Make Sure Your Wishes Are Fulfilled Even After You're Unable To Make Medical Decisions
If you cannot communicate your healthcare preferences for yourself, an advance directive is a legal document that enables you to do so. For example, you can select the type of medical treatment you want to receive, who can make health care decisions for you, and express your end-of-life wishes.
A living will and a health care power of attorney are also considered advance directives. Make sure to give your primary care physician a signed copy of your directive.
So let's talk about these crucial decisions, California's living will, and advance healthcare directive:
Who Makes My Healthcare Decisions In California?
Your doctors will inform and counsel you regarding the course of treatment. You are entitled to make a decision and accept the therapies you desire. Even though the treatment might extend your life, you can say "No" to it.
You can write down all of these decisions in a health directive in California, which is the best way to ensure your health choices are executed even after you've become unable to decide them yourself.
However, these choices must be worded clearly, so people know exactly what you want to happen. If you don't know how these California to advance directives work, you can consult a prescreened Living Trust Lawyer in Los Angeles.
How Do I Make My Medical Choices?
Your doctor must inform you of your medical condition and the potential benefits of various treatments. In addition, numerous medicines have " side effects, " so your doctor should advise you of any significant risks associated with medical treatment.
You may benefit from more than one treatment, and various people have varied opinions on the most effective. Your doctor cannot make your treatment decisions for you; they can only inform you of the options accessible. Therefore, your decision will rely on your priorities.
What If I'm Too Sick To Make Any Decisions?
Your doctor will ask your nearest relative or friend to assist them in deciding what is best for you if you cannot make treatment decisions. There will occasionally be disagreements over the best course of action. Because of this, if you can't talk for yourself, it helps if you express your wishes in advance.
You can specify preferences or choose who you want to represent you by using a variety of "advance directives." For example, you can choose a person to make healthcare choices on your behalf in one type of advance directive under California law.
An advance health care directive is what this document is called. If you are at least 18 years old and of sound mind, you may fill out this form. However, if you are too ill to speak for yourself, you can designate an adult family or friend you trust to act as your "agent."
You should tell your Los Angeles Estate Planning Lawyer about the full details of your intended directives. You have to make sure your decisions are unambiguous, so the doctors can just refer to the document when necessary.
How Do I Ensure My Decisions Are Followed Through?
You can specify when you would or would not want medical treatment in the "Advance Health Care Directive." Give your doctor a copy of the form and discuss your goals with them. One more copy should be given to your agent.
You should also bring a copy if you visit a clinic, hospital, or other medical facility. Sometimes choosing a course of therapy can be difficult, but being transparent with your family and doctor really helps. Then, when they carry out your instructions, they are also legally protected under the "Advance Health Care Directive."
What If I Want To Be The Only One Who Makes The Decisions?
Another type of advance directive might be used to specify your treatment preferences. Because it takes effect while you're still alive but unable to speak for yourself (i.e., a coma, memory loss, extreme illness, etc.), this is frequently referred to as a "Living Will."
You can make a living will be known as a Declaration by signing "The California Natural Death Act." One may be signed by anyone of legal age and sound mind.
Your doctors will be informed when you sign a Declaration stating you don't want any care that would do nothing but delay your death. If you were terminally ill and it was anticipated that you would pass away soon, or if you were permanently unconscious, all life-sustaining care would be withdrawn. You would continue to get care to maintain your comfort.
The doctors must respect your requests to limit therapy, or they must find a different doctor who will. When your doctors abide by your requests, they are also legally protected.
Do I Need A Living Trust Lawyer In Los Angeles?
As long as you're of age and sound mind, you can file forms independently. If you don't indicate particular wishes in the directive, doctors will leave the decision to your trusted agent.
However, a Los Angeles Estate Planning Attorney's role is to ensure you're filing the proper documents, managing your directives, and ensuring you get everything you want in a legal document.
Do you need a trusted Estate Planning Lawyer in Los Angeles?
1000Attorneys is a State of California Certified Lawyer Referral Service that can refer you to a prescreened Estate Planning Attorney in Los Angeles. Contact us through our 24/7 live chat (or complete our case details submission form) for a free initial consultation.