What You Need To Know About California Dog Bite Law Civil Code Section 3342
The Most Important Aspects Of Dog Bite Laws In California
Every pet has the potential to cause damage, especially when untrained or unrestrained. In most cases, negligent owners are the main cause of accidents, injuries, and property damage. Hence, California has set laws that hold negligent owners and caretakers responsible for any damages caused by their dogs.
Let's look at the most crucial aspects of how California dog bite law works, as experienced by prescreened Los Angeles dog bite attorneys.

California's strict liability laws cover dog bites. That means you do not have to prove that the owner was negligent for you to receive compensation for your injuries. This is crucial since California law regarding dog bites immediately considers owners responsible for their pets and should always ensure they watch their dogs.
However, for someone to be held liable for a dog bite, an injury must have occurred in a public or private place where the plaintiff is lawfully on (i.e., invited as a guest, hired service, in a public location, etc.).
If you've been bitten or attacked by a dog in California, you'll want to ensure you fulfill the requirements of filing claims and do so on time. Consult a prescreened Los Angeles dog bite lawyer to help you.
A Summary Of California Dog Bite Law Civil Code Section 3342
The dog bite law in California is a bit different from other states. The first difference is that many states have no standard for dog bite cases, whereas California does. The second difference is that many states will require an expert witness to testify regarding the specific breed of a dog before imposing liability on its owner, but not necessarily in California.
Dog bite law in California emphasizes that anyone who keeps or harbors any animal and fails to exercise ordinary care in controlling it shall be liable for damages suffered by persons bitten by such animal.
The word "harbor" means "to keep" and thus covers a broader scope than merely keeping an animal. Therefore, even if you are walking past someone else's house when their dog bites you, they could still be held responsible under this statute.
If you're unsure about the viability of your claim, contact a Los Angeles dog bite lawyer to review your case. They can assess your claim, help you collect evidence, and represent you in negotiations or in court.
Caveat: Trespassers Who Have Been Attacked By The Owner's Dog
Suppose an individual is trespassing on private property and is bit by a dog. In that case, he will probably be unable to recover damages from the dog's owner because the trespasser was also at fault.
That said, they may still be able to recover damages if they can show that there was something on the property that lured them in, such as a swimming pool. This usually applies to trespassing minors.
What You Need To Do After A Dog Bite Injury In California
If you have been bitten by a dog, you must seek medical attention and file a claim for damages. Several steps need to be taken before filing, but once this process starts, it can move quickly.
If you have any questions about your rights in these situations, don't hesitate to get in touch with us today! Our prescreened dog bite lawyers in Los Angeles will walk you through everything step by step to file a suit against someone else's negligence.
Find Prescreened Dog Bite Lawyers in Los Angeles Near Me
1000Attorneys is a State Bar Certified lawyer referral service in California. We offer free case reviews to ensure clients are linked up with a prescreened Los Angeles dog bite lawyer best fit to handle their unique claim. We only give referrals to experienced, trusted, and discipline-free attorneys.