How To Fight and Beat a DUI Charge in California?
Learn How To Beat Your California DUI Charges In 2 Easy And Realistic Steps
Getting charged with DUI in California can be a horrific experience. From the moment you are pulled over, to going to jail and dealing with the judicial system. Before you appear in court you need to be well prepared and develop a strategy that will increase your chances to beat your DUI case.
Step 1: Learn About DUI Laws In California And Where You Stand
First, it's important to understand California DUI laws and determine what your specific criminal charges are and what you are facing in terms of fines, jail time, and other potential repercussions if you are convicted of a DUI.
Each DUI case in California is different and it depends on your past criminal record, background, age, and profession.
In many cases, if you have a commercial driver's license or another professional license like a real estate agent, a lawyer, or a doctor a DUI conviction can have even greater consequences because it can tarnish your reputation and affect your employment for years to come.

Step 2: Engage Your DUI Charges Head On With An Effective Criminal Defense
To beat your DUI charges in California, you must retain an effective and reliable California criminal defense lawyer. There's no way around it, this is not a situation where you can represent yourself or rely on a public defender.
Again, analyze your stakes if you are convicted of a DUI and the price you will pay in fines and jail time.
A quick online search for DUI lawyers in California will reveal hundreds of sites, guides, videos, and obviously biased DUI lawyer marketing designed to earn your business. No lawyer will ever attest to the performance of another DUI lawyer nor admit their poor court performance in a DUI case.
In many cases, people facing criminal DUI charges are persuaded by fancy TV commercials, radio interviews, and websites. While these marketing efforts may generate hundreds of leads for a DUI law firm, there's no physical way a reputable DUI lawyer can represent everyone at the same time in different courts.
Large DUI law firms rely on junior lawyers to assist them with their case load so you end up working with someone else other than the principal DUI lawyer. It is your responsibility to make an informed decision about the lawyer you're about to hire. No matter what you read online, or the "how-to guides" you come across, the reality is that a judge will not give you the time of day to defend yourself if you go at it alone "pro se".
When you are ready to hire your own California DUI lawyer, here are some questions you may want to ask during a personal legal consultation:
Based on my criminal charges and criminal record, how likely are you able to beat your DUI charges?
Ask your DUI lawyer to share a similar case where he or she was able to successfully beat the DUI charges.
Ask your DUI lawyer if he or she has ever been disciplined by the California State Bar and if so, what were the reasons.
Will the DUI lawyer personally take care of your case and appear in court?
Ask your DUI lawyer to lay out the strategy to defend you in court.
How many times has your DUI lawyer taken a case to trial?
If legal fees are an issue, don't be afraid to ask for a payment plan. Most DUI lawyers will agree to a realistic and fair payment arrangement.
Ask your DUI lawyer for a reference from a previous client.
How familiar is your DUI lawyer with the court where your case has been filed?
What are the best and worse case scenarios based on your criminal charges?
Avoid DUI attorneys who have to spend more time defending their own criminal charges and less time defending you.
DUI lawyers are people and people make mistakes, therefore you cannot rely on any marketing material to make such an important decision. Conduct due diligence when hiring top criminal lawyers in Los Angeles specializing in DUIs.
Hire reputable, pre-screened, and ethical DUI attorneys in Los Angeles. Submit your DUI case details 24 hours a day and get an answer within 5 minutes.
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