What Can I Claim After A Motorcycle Accident In California?
Motorcycle Accident Settlement Calculator For California Claims
Getting into motorcycle accidents is likely to cause injuries and deaths in California. Hence, negligent parties who caused the accident are held liable for your injuries, emotional suffering, financial losses, and property damage.
That said, some negligent parties and insurance companies will refuse to pay you the compensation you deserve. In some cases, they'll trivialize your injuries and try to lowball you.
The best way to avoid the parties who refuse or lowball your compensation is to file claims with the help of Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident Lawyers.

What Are The Odds Of Getting In A Motorcycle Accident In California?
So, what percentage of motorcycle riders get in accidents in California? 2% of registered motorcycles have reportedly been involved in accidents. 88% of those accidents also result in injuries and death.
2% may not sound much, but if you consider that there are approximately 800,000 registered motorcycles in California, that 2% is roughly 16,000 accidents annually. So that's also about 1,300 accidents a month!
Accidents can happen to anyone. However, knowing what to do when you unfortunately get into one will help you in the long run.
What Is The Average Payout For A Motorcycle Accident In California?
There is no definitive formula for a motorcycle accident compensation calculator. Settlements can range from $15,000 to a million, depending on several factors involving your case.
California Motorcycle Accident Lawyers calculate your total damages by considering the following factors:
Lost income
Property damage
Pain and suffering
Medical expenses
Any calculations made by your attorney will take into account your accident injuries. Remember that some damages, such as medical expenses and missed wages, are easier to assess than others. You can easily provide proof of your medical expenses and salary for the previous month or year.
However, your Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles will make estimates about your compensation for less tangible damages, such as pain and suffering. Usually, Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident Lawyers will look at the verdicts in nearby motorcycle accidents that were similar.
What About More Severe Injuries From Motorcycle Accidents In California?
Your motorcycle accident settlement amount in California will increase if you sustain injuries that will have a long-term or permanent impact on you. For instance, if your injury is very incapacitating, you may be entitled to compensation for the following:
Future costs of physical rehabilitation and medical care
The cost of the drugs you require to treat pain
The cost of vocational rehabilitation so you can get employment
Services for home health aides to assist you with daily activities
Equipment that has been customized for a leg-impaired person
Additionally, you can be entitled to punitive damages, which are meant to hold the motorist accountable for extremely egregious actions.
California Motorcycle Accident Law can be complicated. Therefore, your optimal legal options can vary depending on the following:
Who you're suing
How many defendants there are
Whether the defendant is a private individual, a company, or a government agency
How much of it is your fault
Whether or not you violated traffic laws
Therefore, your best bet would be to hire prescreened California Motorcycle Accident Lawyers. An attorney will know their way around California motorcycle accident laws, identify defendants, help you with the process of suing, assist in gathering evidence, and represent you in settlement negotiations and possible court dates.
1000Attorneys.com is a California Bar Association-Certified Lawyer Referral Service that can refer you to a prescreened Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorney best fit to handle your claims. Contact us on our 24/7 lawyer referral hotline at 1-661-310-7999 or complete our inquiry submission form for a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION.