Why Swimming Pool Accidents Happen In California
The Most Common Causes Of Pool Accidents In California
It's easy to blame pool accidents on the swimmers themselves. However, it's very possible that accidents happen due to someone else's negligence—like the pool owner, the lifeguard, and the staff.
Before you start blaming yourself for your injuries, consider a few factors that may be blamed on the people who own, maintain, or manage the property.
These factors are the same ones our clients and prescreened Top Rated Personal Injury Attorneys In Los Angeles have to deal with.
The following are a few of the most common reasons for swimming pool accidents:
1. Inadequate Barriers And Fences (Or Lack Thereof)
It's no secret that unsupervised or unattended pools and spas are dangerous for children and weak swimmers.
As a result, when not in use, home and business owners have a legal obligation to ensure that their swimming facilities are adequately protected, covered, or barricaded.
These inadequate safety precautions can be used as proof for premises liability claims. Consult a California Attorney For Personal Injury to know how this applies to your unique case.
2. The Swimming Area Has Poor Lighting Or Visibility
All swimmers must be able to see everything around them, both within and outside the pool. Not only that, but anyone monitoring or caring for swimmers must be able to see to help avoid or stop an accident.
3. Lack Of Or Insufficient Safety Equipment
Every pool—both private and public—is required to include basic safety equipment. Life preservers and extended poles are examples of free-floating features. In contrast, guard rails, ladders, and drain covers are examples of built-in measures.
These safety precautions are the responsibility of the owners and maintainers. Failure to install and maintain them can be considered a liability and can be used by your Top Rated Personal Injury Attorney In Los Angeles as proof.
4. Wet Or Slick Areas Around The Pool
Most of us connect lifeguards with repeated instructions not to run near the pool because slick surfaces can pose a severe threat to individuals both inside and outside the pool.
Drownings and other pool-related incidents are particularly common after someone slips and fall into the pool or when a swimmer tries to leave the pool but falls back into it.
5. Untrained Swimming Pool Staff
Lifeguards are frequently the primary safety measure in public pools. As a result, all property owners must hire, train, and maintain the necessary number of safety personnel to supervise the swimming area adequately.
Any accident caused by inexperienced or absent lifeguards will almost certainly be blamed on the property owner or lifeguard staffing agency.
6. In Adequate Warning Signage
Sometimes, people don't mean to come near hazardous areas but end up in accidents because they're not adequately informed or warned.
For example, if a dangerous area or pool shouldn't be used, a reasonably visible sign should tell swimmers to keep out. Likewise, if there is a steep change in the pool's depth, there should be a sign to warn weak swimmers, kids, or parents.
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