When Is It Time To Call A Wrongful Termination Lawyer In Los Angeles?
Do You Have A Potential Wrongful Termination Lawsuit In Los Angeles?
Getting fired for unfair and illegal reasons is stressful enough. However, some employees don't think too much of it and let it slide. In some cases, they might not even know they were fired illegally and could actually sue their erring employers.
So, how can you even file a wrongful termination lawsuit in California? Is suing your employer even worth it?
Our prescreened Wrongful Termination Lawyers in Los Angeles are ready to stand up for your rights if you feel your employer terminated your employment in violation of your contract or for discriminatory reasons. They can secure backpay, compensatory damages, and more on your behalf.

Was I Fired Illegally In Los Angeles?
Being fired for reasons that go against the law or your employment contract is referred to as wrongful termination. If you are employed at will, you may be terminated for any cause, but you may not be terminated for a reason that is illegal as specified by municipal, state, and your employee handbook.
Some prohibited grounds for terminating an employee include the following:
1. Retaliation Against Employees
It is illegal for an employer to terminate you in retaliation for something you did, like report a case of abuse or make a complaint. You can file a lawsuit and hire a Wrongful Termination Lawyer in Los Angeles if you think your employer fired you in retaliation.
2. Discrimination At Work
Employees have rights against discrimination based on protected characteristics (i.e., race, ethnicity, color, religion, age, gender, sex, disability, etc.). Firing an employee due to a protected characteristic is also considered discrimination.
3. Breach Of Employment Contracts
It may be wrongful termination if, for any reason, your employer fired you in violation of the provisions of your contract. For instance, some employment contracts have clauses stating that certain conditions must be met to terminate an employee, making it illegal to do so for any other cause.
What Can I Get From A Wrongful Termination Claim In Los Angeles?
We recognize that if you were fired, you probably suffered some losses. You may be missing out on pay and benefits now that you don't have a job, and you're also going through some mental struggles. To obtain the compensation they are entitled to, our prescreened Wrongful Termination Lawyers in Los Angeles consult with each of our clients to determine exactly how much they have lost.
For workers who have been unlawfully terminated, a prescreened Wrongful Termination Lawyer In Los Angeles may be able to recover the following damages:
Wages and back pay
Loss of employment benefits and wages
Compensation for emotional distress
You may demand reinstatement to your previous position
As mentioned, damages can vary from case to case. After all, each wrongful termination claim will involve different people and circumstances, so you should be making estimates based on your own personal losses and experience.
Speak With A Wrongful Termination Lawyer In Los Angeles Today
Punitive damages are sometimes granted to employees as compensation for misbehavior by employers that are deemed to be deliberate or malicious. Retaining legal representation for your case is crucial because your employer can be prepared to refute your claim with excuses.
Employers frequently assert that an employee might have found a similar job after termination or that the individual didn't make enough effort to find new employment to reduce the claim's value. These are the kinds of arguments a prescreened Wrongful Termination Lawyer In Los Angeles are equipped to handle.
Hire A Prescreened Wrongful Termination Lawyer In Los Angeles ASAP
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