What Are The Signs Of Ageism In The Workplace In California?
What Does Ageism Look Like In The Workplace? How Do You Protect Your Employment Rights?
Unfortunately, ageism in the workplace still happens. Employers always want younger employees because they don't have to pay as much and won't need to watch out for their health as often. Older employees tend to have families they have to worry about and aren't likely to be tricked into overworking themselves.
However, age discrimination is considered illegal in California employment law. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 prohibits age discrimination for employees who are 40 and over, protecting them from wrongful termination, harassment, and retaliation.
That said, harassment and discrimination can be subtle. Too subtle that some employees don't even know they're experiencing ageism in the workplace. So, it's essential to understand what age discrimination looks like so you can take the proper legal steps to protect your rights or get compensation from your erring employer.
Here's what our prescreened California age discrimination lawyers have to say:

What Is An Example Of Age Discrimination In California?
One of the most common types of ageism in the workplace in California is getting denied work because of your age. Again, employers prefer younger employees for several reasons. They will get out of their way to reject otherwise fitting and experienced applicants to avoid the perceived downsides.
In some cases, ageism in the workplace is much subtler. It could involve constant unfair treatment and harassment, creating a hostile work environment that makes a target employee unable to do their job.
Contact a California age discrimination lawyer to assess your case if you notice signs of ageism in the workplace. Then, the Los Angeles ADEA attorney can advise you on your legal options.
What May Be The Signs Of Ageism In California?
As mentioned, ageism in the workplace can happen in various ways. Here are a few examples of age discrimination our prescreened California age discrimination attorneys have encountered:
Refused employment because you're over 40
Forced or pressured to retire or resign because of your age
Constantly harassed because of your age
Experienced harassment to force you into quitting your job
Refused a promotion or increase in wage when younger people who work in the same position do
Refused a family and medical leave
Refused accommodations for disabilities or chronic illnesses
That said, this isn't an extensive list of every type of age discrimination in the workplace. After all, each case is unique, so you want a prescreened age discrimination attorney in California to get the best legal advice.
How Do You Deal With Ageism In The Workplace In California?
Age discrimination in the workplace is illegal in California labor law. When this happens to you, you'll be entitled to damages such as lost income, lost benefits, emotional distress, and so on. You might even get reinstated as a form of awarded damages.
Essentially, you can sue an employer for ageism in the workplace.
The process involves filing claims with the EEOC or DFEH. Then, these agencies will decide to either investigate the case themselves or give you "permission to sue." Once you get this notice, you can start your lawsuit.
That said, you can't just accuse an employer of age discrimination without evidence and a strong case. Your California ADEA lawyer will manage your case, do their own investigations, and build a strong argument for your claim.
Hire A Prescreened California Age Discrimination Attorney To Combat Ageism In The Workplace
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