When To Seek Advice for a California Discrimination Lawyer
When To Hire A Pre-Screened California Employment Attorney for a Workplace Discrimination case
If you feel you are being discriminated against at work, maybe you are. Employment discrimination and harassment are VERY common in Los Angeles. After all, this is the place where the #MeToo Movement started and the reality of employment discrimination was unveiled in the months after.
So, let's talk about workplace sexual harassment, as they are often handled by the best employment attorneys in Los Angeles:

How to Spot Discrimination in the Workplace?
These are the most common signs of discrimination we've noticed in Los Angeles.
Questionable hiring practices and inappropriate questions during an interview: Employers are not allowed to ask questions during an interview that target an applicant’s protected class. For example, an employer cannot ask the female candidate if she's single, whether she plans to become pregnant, or any other personal questions related to her family planning. These type of questions have nothing to do with her ability to perform the job she's applying for and is against the law.
Inappropriate comments or remarks include comments that stereotype certain protected classes and attack their fitness as employees based on their protected attributes. For example, "overweight people are lazy" or "women work slower than men". This language reveals unlawful bias, and it isn't allowed.
Unfair promotions or assignment of work responsibilities: If less-qualified male employees are always promoted over more-qualified female candidates, the employer could likely engage in an unlawful practice of discriminating against women based on gender.
Unequal pay: If a female employee is being paid less than her male counterpart despite having the same experience and seniority, this represents a type of workplace discrimination
Assumptions regarding an employee’s abilities: Assuming an employee’s abilities can be another sign of workplace discrimination and harassment. For example, if your employer assumes you will underperform a job activity because of your age is illegal and should be reported immediately.
Retaliation: If your employer retaliates because the employee is engaging in a protected activity that is prohibited by law.
If you've experienced sexual harassment and other adverse employment actions because of it, consult with an Employment Law Attorney in Los Angeles immediately. A lawyer will know their way around California Labor Law, can advise you on how to protect your rights, and build a solid case to help you assert them.
How Do You Prove You Have Been Discriminated Against at Work?
Any type of discrimination is illegal in California, and even when detecting workplace discrimination is difficult, knowing these signs is helpful. If you believe you are the victim of employment discrimination, you should always document any examples you notice and contact a California Employment Lawyer to help you determine the next course of action.
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